回到台灣已經兩個月多了 現在還是覺得心裡定不下來 覺得整個人還是哪裡怪怪的
很多人留學後回台 都會有一陣憂鬱期 這我也是回來經歷過才知道 這真的是很可怕的心魔
現在我個人覺得我的狀況還好 上個月非常嚴重 有時候甚至有一種活著好累的感覺 當然也有其他因素像是房租等等的金錢壓力
不過這真的需要時間 我現在還沒完全走出來 心理狀況還不是很穩定~
回想一下一開始回國 我記得回國之前只有捨不得英國 其實沒有想過太多回到台灣會怎樣的問題
9/12一飛回台灣 9/13就直接開始上班 基本上有事做而且蠻忙 所以我原本以為不會有什麼問題
結果卻發現回台灣後有嚴重的不適應感 情況比我想像中的還糟... 原來留學最後一個大關不是出社會找工作 而是面對歸國後的失落感
好吧有點離題 憂鬱期之後再寫
剛回來第一週蠻興奮的 好像來到異國旅遊一樣 只是人在熟悉的地方
到現在都有一種我是旅行者 只是在台灣旅遊的感覺 心境還沒完全定下來
一回來最明顯感受到的差距~其實回過頭看 真的蠻有趣的
一開始回來就覺得 台灣人穿著真的比較隨性欸~(路上拖鞋族一堆 晚上容易見到穿著睡衣買宵夜的人)
在英國要看到拖鞋族還蠻難的哈哈 睡衣更是不可能 平常大街上隨便都是穿得很有型的
而且在英國愛穿的衣服 現在都越來越少穿 最近常常會有「穿這樣會不會太誇張啊」的想法
但明明在英國就是完全不在乎這個的哈哈哈 每天都想穿美美出去 每天都要「美」一下
再來就是滿街低頭族 不過這在出國前就已經知道
不過真的要講一下台灣厲害之處 就是網路不管到哪都超順!!讚讚讚
結果沒有欸 畫面跳超快 可以咻咻咻滑個過癮 完全沒網路塞車的問題
然而在英國沒事不會盯著手機 因為網路也沒有很穩哈哈 尤其地鐵裡面沒有收訊 就算在倫敦市中心也超慢
在國外禮拜五都想跑酒吧happy一下或是出去逛逛 待在家就覺得浪費了難得的快樂星期五
但是回台灣後整個不一樣欸哈哈 超失落的 我沒以偏概全喔 我是指我身邊朋友都覺得禮拜五沒什麼特別的 所以我回來後每週五都變得很寂寞覺得冷
也許很多台灣人也覺得週五很特別 只是我沒有到認識他們 哈哈
但是在英國 週五的街上或酒吧人會變多 到處都歡笑聲~在我住的地方就沒有這景象 只有寂寞空虛的冷風吹過
我到現在週五還是會期待出去玩或跑酒吧 但朋友真的不多 所以只能繼續幻想 哈哈
回到台灣後的有趣發現就是 文青風格依舊沒有衰退 而且還更強大了哈哈
現在回國後發現「穿著」也都變得文青了~整體大地配色以及舒適的衣著 像是白襯衫配土色寬褲這種基本搭配到處都看得到
雖然前面有提到穿著很隨性 但是去一些較於熱鬧的區域像是東區或辦公大樓區 除了隨性就是文青風佔大部分了吧
整體看起來很舒服 但就覺得大部分都差不多 跟英國不一樣 英國國內太多來自不同國家的人 大家都有自己的風格所以走在路上會覺得好繽紛
然後在台灣就會覺得大家都好有氣質 感覺很文青很舒適這樣 完全不同感覺 超級有趣
但我個人還是偏好繽紛~喜歡嘗試不同風格的衣服 希望這個愛好能維持住~這很重要啊~
好吃的東西幾十塊就能在夜市買到 而且基本上是無時無刻買得到
種類又多 又好吃 又不貴... 痾..為什麼要煮飯?
台北最大的優勢在於 便捷的捷運網 超級多的公車
由於我不會騎車 如果我是騎車族應該會更嚴重排斥走路哈哈
在英國的時候走10-20分鐘的路很正常 尤其我的小鎮又沒有捷運 公車又久久一班 走路15分鐘根本小case
可是回台灣之後 走個10分鐘就心裡在哀嚎 不知不覺開啟了uber的app
我知道這有點嚴重可是我是想表達 台北捷運公車真的太方便拉!!
加上我住的地方有點精華(不是在炫耀) 樓下有便利商店旁邊有夜市跟捷運站 請問怎麼樣才能變得不懶惰?!impossible!
其實還有很多說不完.. 目前暫時還沒想到
真的很有趣~彷彿在旅行一樣 見識不同的文化與生活
但是最重要的是不管好不好 都要重新適應~這才是目前遇到的挑戰啊..
I've been in Taiwan for a while now after my 1 year trip in Europe. I remember I was so excited on the first day back in Taiwan. I felt like I was visiting a new country as a traveler. I used to see many foreigners when I was in the UK, so the feeling was so different after I flew back to Taiwan and there were no foreigners around me. Of course, I’m familiar with Taiwan… I often share Taiwanese culture, food, and people with friends when I studied abroad. But the feeling of being in Taiwan after that year is totally different. I don't feel like I'm a local person since there are many things I need to get used to again such as the different ways of thinking between the Taiwan and the UK. I've talked to other Taiwanese friends who have studied or worked in different countries before. They understand my feeling and most of them said it took 3-6 months to readapt. It's very interesting that I need to get used to living in my home country after studying abroad for a year even though I lived here for more than 20 years before.
Speaking of the differences, here are some interesting trends I found in Taiwan:
1. Casual style
In Taipei, it's not difficult to see people wearing slippers or sandals, T-shirts with shorts, or jeans on the street or at night markets. Clothes in black, blue, white, and gray are common, based on my observation of people on the streets and subway. I suppose the main reason is that these colors are simple and easy to match well with each other. In fact, I also have many clothes in those colors.
In London, it is hard to see people wearing slippers… and their outfits look more colorful. I think the style tends to be formal. Just look at my closet, there are many trench coats and blouses that I bought in the UK. But now I seldom wear them in Taiwan because I think I’m being influenced by the "casual trend".
2. The Internet is super fast!!
The first thing I was surprised by is the Internet!!
In the UK, it's normal that the Internet is usually slow everywhere and it’s not available in subways. But it’s not only in the UK; some European countries also have similar problems. In Taiwan, you can use the Internet everywhere and it's not slow at all. Also, it is common to have 4G because it's not expensive (about 700 NTD per month). With these advantages, there are many phubbers in Taiwan. To be honest, I think it's not a good thing. It could be the one reason why some foreigners think Taiwanese people are cold because they prefer to interact with phones rather than real people.
3. Friday in Taiwan
In the UK, I often go to bars or hang out with friends on Friday to celebrate the beginning of weekend. It is normal that most bars are crowded on Friday night. I can always hear people laughing and see some people dancing. For me, Friday is always a happy day. I've asked some foreign friends and they all agree with me. I didn't know this culture before I went to the UK as I'd never been to any bar in Taiwan before. After I came back to Taiwan, I've invited my friends to drink at a bar on Friday several times. There were not many people at bars or on streets on Friday, except perhaps at foreign bars and clubs. Also, it's quite hard to invite friends because some friends just want to go home and sleep. I think Friday is not special in Taiwan. Some friends of mine told me clubs would be a better option on Friday. It's usually full of people on Friday and Saturday night.
4. Coffee shops are everywhere
There are many coffee shops in Taipei and it's easy to find one to stay and kill time. Maybe it's due to the hipster trend. Creative parks, coffee shops, and something about arts or design are getting more popular than before. This trend leads to more and more owners combining arts or special events with their coffee shops like live music, crafts, or special architectures. Nowadays, it's common that many people stay at coffee shops for reading, chatting with friends, or doing work in Taipei.
5. You don't need to cook
Taiwan is also famous for delicious food, which is cheap and easy to find everywhere. I can say it's really easy to get fat if you live here. The cost of ingredients is similar to the cost of eating out. Also, we have different kinds of restaurants, including Thai, Japanese, Korean, American, and European restaurants. There are many good options… Why do I need to cook? But I love cooking so I still cook sometimes…. just for fun.
6. Convenient MRT
Taipei is small and crowded. It's full of people but it's a clean city, especially our subway. After traveling in some countries, I can say our subway is really clean and convenient. I'm proud of it. It's easy to see the subway staff cleaning up stations even when it doesn't look particularly dirty. I thought it was not difficult to maintain a good level of cleanliness. But after visiting some countries... I think maybe it is quite hard. Another advantage is you can take MRT to almost everywhere in Taipei. Most stations are close to popular places. In the UK, it is normal to go to train station or town centre by walking for 10-20 minutes. In Taiwan, you can find bus stops or subway stops within 10 minutes when you are walking on the street. It's super convenient!
The differences above are what I found in the first month after I returned to Taiwan. Actually, I didn't notice these before I went to the UK. I already knew them but it's interesting now because they are so obviously different. I think it's good to understand Taiwan by comparing it with other countries, because it's helpful to know how special Taiwan is. Before my trip in Europe, I thought Taiwan was really good and I couldn't imagine living in another country. Now I still agree that Taiwan is great, but the reasons are different. It can be supported by delicious food or friendly people, but the main reason for me is here I'm relaxed with familiar people and a similar culture.